Between Landscape and Laboratory – an Introduction

Erich Berger, Terike Haapoja

    Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Rapport / Ph.D.-afhandlingAntologiFormidling


    A written introduction to a bi-lingual anthology Field_Notes - From Landscape to Laboratory - Maisemasta Laboratorioon.

    "Every second year the Finnish Society of Bioart invites a significant group of artists and scientists to the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station in Lapland/Finland to work for one week on topics related to art, biology and the environment. “Field_Notes – From Landscape to Laboratory” is
    the first in a series of publications originating from this field laboratory. It emphasizes the process of interaction between fieldwork, locality and the laboratory.
    Oron Catts, Antero Kare, Laura Beloff, Tarja Knuuttila amongst others explore
    the field and laboratory as sites for art&science practices"

    ForlagFinnish Society of Bioart
    Antal sider8
    ISBN (Trykt)978-952-93-2313-5
    StatusUdgivet - jul. 2013


    • art & science
    • bioart
    • environment
    • locality
    • finland


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