Aspects of pervasive health and technology use in care organizations during the pandemic: Report from a municipality Covid-19 study

Erik Grönvall, Stefan Lundberg

Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


The Covid-19 pandemic struck the world in spring 2019 and affected most people in the world. One group that suffered the most was older adults and others ‘weak’ citizens. In Sweden where the reported-on study was situated, especially people living in nursing homes and other care facilities suffered immensely, especially in the early stages of the pandemic. In this paper we report on perspectives and lessons learned from a survey compiled by 13 care managers in eleven Swedish municipalities followed by a workshop with ten of these municipality health managers. Our study showcase how technology has been a valuable tool for these organizations during the pandemic. While Internet-cameras in some instances has been used in private homes to facilitate ‘remote monitoring’, many of our findings points to aspects of managing care – a less studied aspect within the Pervasive health community.
TitelEAI PervasiveHealth 2021 - 15th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare
Antal sider10
ForlagEuropean Alliance for Innovation
Publikationsdato6 dec. 2021
StatusUdgivet - 6 dec. 2021
BegivenhedEAI PervasiveHealth 2021 - 15th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare - online, Tel Aviv, Israel
Varighed: 6 dec. 20218 dec. 2021
Konferencens nummer: 15


KonferenceEAI PervasiveHealth 2021 - 15th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare
ByTel Aviv


  • Covid-19 pandemic
  • Older adults care
  • Nursing homes
  • Remote monitoring
  • Pervasive health


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