A citizen-centered analysis of what public services are suitable for digital communication channels

Sara Hofmann, Christian Østergaard Madsen, Ida Lindgren, Guri Verne

Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


The benefits of digitalizing public services can only be met if citizens adopt digital services while at the same time stop using expensive traditional channels. Still, many citizens keep using traditional channels. Studies on channel choice and IT adoption have addressed what factors influence citizens’ channel behavior. However, they have omitted the interplay between citizens’ perceptions of public services and their channel choices, as well as how the design of digital services and citizens' experience of using self-service applications affect their channel choice. In addition, the technological optimism of digital government may have caused us to overlook the important question whether all public services are suitable for digitalization. In this ongoing research paper, we present the outline of a research project starting this summer, in which we will critically analyze – from the perspectives of citizens and public sector organizations – what public services are suitable for digital communication channels.
TitelProceedings of Ongoing Research, Practitioners, Posters, Workshops, and Projects at EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2021
Antal sider8
Publikationsdatonov. 2021
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2021
BegivenhedIFIP EGOV-CeDEM-ePART 2021 - University of Granada, Granada, Spanien
Varighed: 8 sep. 202110 sep. 2021


KonferenceIFIP EGOV-CeDEM-ePART 2021
LokationUniversity of Granada


  • Digitalization of Public Services
  • Citizen Channel Behavior
  • IT Adoption
  • Self-Service Applications
  • Public Service Suitability


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