

TRAnsformations in CarE (TRACE) investigates the radical changes in caring practices, norms, and ethics propelled by technological advances and societal challenges. Today, care is increasingly being re-delegated and distributed through technological devices and digital systems implemented in our bodies, homes, and communities. Tracing the threads of these transformations is vital to understanding how care is formed, experienced, and delivered in and through human-technology relations – and what the long-term consequences of this development might be. The TRACE project therefore asks:

How is care practiced in- and through human-technology relations, and how does this impact experiences, norms, and ethics of care?

During the 4-year project span, TRACE will answer this question and provide in-depth investigation of care practices in diverse, situated human-technology relations in Denmark through its four complementary subprojects: people living with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) (SP1), inner-body self-tracking (SP2), apps for supporting vulnerable families (SP3), and safety technologies in elderly care (SP4). Combining the strengths of ethnographic and experimental methods, TRACE develops extensive theoretical, empirical and methodological foundations for an interdisciplinary knowledge production on the radical transformations of care in digitalized societies.
Kort titelTRAnsformations in CarE
Effektiv start/slut dato01/10/202330/09/2027


  • Velux Fonden: 5.691.179,00 kr.


  • Digitalization
  • Human centered technology
  • Healthcare
  • Care
  • Care design
  • STS
  • Interaction design


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