Gamifying Green Governance: Volunteering and Credit Repair in China

Projekter: ProjektForskning



Under local Social Credit initiatives, a key means of improving or rectifying one's credit is through voluntary activity. In this project, we seek to explore how environmental voluntarism is incentivised,
managed and made participatory through the ecosystem of apps. Focusing on Volunteer China, the national body for standardizing data on volunteer hours and awarding certificates, we will work with
young people in the country, exploring the interplay between dynamics of gamification and climate concerns. By exploring youth climate engagement
through social credit apps, we critically interrogate the concept of "incentive" as it operates within the space of green action.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/202431/08/2027



  • Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond: 3.160.800,00 kr.


  • credit
  • volunteering
  • apps
  • gamification
  • green


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