Digital surveillance: Unpacking the contention between openness and security in the Nordic countries: digital public surveillance practices at state borders

Projekter: ProjektAndet



This project aims to unpack the contention between Nordic openness and security by investigating emerging practices of digital public surveillance enabled by AI and ML.

The project has four main objectives:
(1) Map the field of digital public surveillance and its evolution over the last 10 years in the Nordic countries;
(2) Investigate specific sites where AI and ML are used for digital public surveillance - three sites of surveilled national borders;
(3) Design a policy framework for digital public surveillance;
(4) Communicate resulting knowledge to relevant key actors, e.g. designers, policymakers, law enforcers, as well as the general public.
Kort titelDigital surveillance
Effektiv start/slut dato01/07/202231/08/2026



  • Future Challenges in the Nordics: 7.450.000,00 kr.


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