Cross-Cultural explorations of mobile gaze interaction for everyday aging

  • Hansen, Dan Witzner (PI)
  • Sokoler, Tomas (CoI)
  • Pederson, Thomas (CoI)
  • de Souza e Silva, Adriana Araujo (CoI)
  • Mardanbegi, Diako (CoI)

    Projekter: ProjektForskning



    In order for gaze-based devices and application to reach more general populations and domains, we focus on low cost solutions with enhanced usability (i.e., easy calibration, robust to head motion and flexibility), and new context-aware gaze-based interaction paradigms for mobile scenarios. Some of the initial questions that will be investigated are: How can gaze estimation be performed in low cost and mobile scenarios (e.g. on mobile devices or when using a head mounted eye tracker outdoors)? How to improve the accuracy of the eye tracking methods with better usability? In particular, how does socio-cultural differences between future users at the different sites influence models for gaze-based context-aware computing? Relevant cross-cultural domains will be selected during the initial workshops and used to guide the joint development of user-centered prototypes.
    Effektiv start/slut dato01/04/201131/12/2011



    • Styrelsen for Forskning og Uddannelse: 351.041,00 kr.


    • Eye tracking
    • Gaze interaction
    • Interaction design
    • Ambient assited living
    • Context-aware systems