Aktiviteter pr. år
Industry collaboration for creation of innovative solution with IT student at IT University of Copenhagen
Courses: “Process Innovation” & “Business Process Modelling and Automation”
Education: Master and Bachelor students in IT at IT University of Copenhagen
Active period: Spring 2025 (Jan – Apr)
Join us in our quest for process innovation and become a valuable partner in our course by contributing your unique case challenges and gaining valuable ideas and prototypes for your business. The goal of the course is to address how digital innovation can be used to redesign and digitalize business processes and reconfigure internal and external resources to sense and respond to new opportunities using practical methods and theories. The overall learning goal is to innovate processes through low-code and process modelling. It is expected, in the course, that students in groups finds a case-company to work with during the courses. The students will be expected to work on your case if a collaboration agreement is agreed upon:
•Together you pick and investigate the process of interest
•Students will apply needs identification and modelling techniques for process innovation based on interviews and gathered domain knowledge from the company.
•Students will develop a prototypical technical solution that innovates a given business process and demonstrate it to the company to evaluate impact and value creation and capture.
•Students will use theory to reflect about the project and further implementation
A Practical Industry Project
The course task is to create a prototype that addresses a challenge provided by a case company. The case-project should be big enough for a team of 3-4 students to work on. The final exam-submission will consist of: (1) a description of the problem context, including desk research, stakeholder interviews, and process modelling, (2) a working prototype, typically built using, e.g., Microsoft Power Apps, Power Automate, and AI Builder, (3) a reflection on the solution using theories learned in the course. The solution will be presented in a final report about 20-25 pages and demonstrated for the case company, where you provide the students with feedback.
Expected Commitment of Company Partner
Companies are expected to have one or more process-related challenges and should be willing to provide:
•Find one or more problem statements and challenges for the students to work with.
•Attend an initial meeting (interview/workshop) with the students.
•Commit to about 2 Q&A sessions where students bring questions.
•Commit to a final presentation (demonstration) of the work and provide feedback and evaluation of the student’s prototype.
In return, companies gain valuable ideas, prototypes, and proof of concept for their problems and challenges. Company partners also have the opportunity to collaborate with highly skilled IT students and gain access to the latest techniques in low-code and process modelling along with potential for continuation of project development in the student’s thesis work. Furthermore, the companies can contribute to the education of future professionals and shaping the future within the industry. Overall, the benefits of participating in the course as a case-company are numerous, and the results of the student's work can provide valuable solutions for the company's business process challenges.
Asger Balle Pedersen, [email protected]
Postdoc at IT University of Copenhagen
Courses: “Process Innovation” & “Business Process Modelling and Automation”
Education: Master and Bachelor students in IT at IT University of Copenhagen
Active period: Spring 2025 (Jan – Apr)
Join us in our quest for process innovation and become a valuable partner in our course by contributing your unique case challenges and gaining valuable ideas and prototypes for your business. The goal of the course is to address how digital innovation can be used to redesign and digitalize business processes and reconfigure internal and external resources to sense and respond to new opportunities using practical methods and theories. The overall learning goal is to innovate processes through low-code and process modelling. It is expected, in the course, that students in groups finds a case-company to work with during the courses. The students will be expected to work on your case if a collaboration agreement is agreed upon:
•Together you pick and investigate the process of interest
•Students will apply needs identification and modelling techniques for process innovation based on interviews and gathered domain knowledge from the company.
•Students will develop a prototypical technical solution that innovates a given business process and demonstrate it to the company to evaluate impact and value creation and capture.
•Students will use theory to reflect about the project and further implementation
A Practical Industry Project
The course task is to create a prototype that addresses a challenge provided by a case company. The case-project should be big enough for a team of 3-4 students to work on. The final exam-submission will consist of: (1) a description of the problem context, including desk research, stakeholder interviews, and process modelling, (2) a working prototype, typically built using, e.g., Microsoft Power Apps, Power Automate, and AI Builder, (3) a reflection on the solution using theories learned in the course. The solution will be presented in a final report about 20-25 pages and demonstrated for the case company, where you provide the students with feedback.
Expected Commitment of Company Partner
Companies are expected to have one or more process-related challenges and should be willing to provide:
•Find one or more problem statements and challenges for the students to work with.
•Attend an initial meeting (interview/workshop) with the students.
•Commit to about 2 Q&A sessions where students bring questions.
•Commit to a final presentation (demonstration) of the work and provide feedback and evaluation of the student’s prototype.
In return, companies gain valuable ideas, prototypes, and proof of concept for their problems and challenges. Company partners also have the opportunity to collaborate with highly skilled IT students and gain access to the latest techniques in low-code and process modelling along with potential for continuation of project development in the student’s thesis work. Furthermore, the companies can contribute to the education of future professionals and shaping the future within the industry. Overall, the benefits of participating in the course as a case-company are numerous, and the results of the student's work can provide valuable solutions for the company's business process challenges.
Asger Balle Pedersen, [email protected]
Postdoc at IT University of Copenhagen
Status | Igangværende |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/06/2024 → 01/07/2025 |
- IT-Universitetet i København (leder)
- ShippingLab (Projektpartner)
- Case Fair
- Process Innovation
- 2 Organisation og deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
Teaching - Bachelor Course: Business Process Modelling and Automation (7,5 ECTS)
Pedersen, A. B. (Lecturer)
27 jan. 2025 → 1 jul. 2025Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typer › Organisation og deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
Teaching - Master Course: Process Innovation (15 ECTS)
Pedersen, A. B. (Lecturer)
27 jan. 2025 → 1 jul. 2025Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typer › Organisation og deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus