Konferencebidrag i proceedings


  • 2024

    The Impact of CHIIR Publications: A Study of Eight Years of CHIIR

    Gaede, M., Bogers, T., Hall, M. M., Koolen, M., Petras, V. & Larsen, B., 10 mar. 2024, CHIIR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. s. 34-44 11 s.

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  • 2023

    An Exploration of Sentence-Pair Classification for Algorithmic Recruiting

    Kaya, M. & Bogers, T., 14 sep. 2023, Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2023. United States: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 1175–1179 5 s. (RecSys '23).

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

  • Collaboration Patterns and Impact of Sharing at CHIIR

    Bogers, T., Larsen, B., Koolen, M., Gäde, M., Hall, M. M. & Petras, V., 19 mar. 2023, CHIIR 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. United States: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 313-320 8 s.

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  • How we Work, Share, and Re-use at CHIIR

    Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Hall, M. M., Koolen, M., Petras, V. & Larsen, B., 19 mar. 2023, CHIIR 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. United States: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 351-356 6 s.

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  • Third Workshop on Recommender Systems for Human Resources (RecSys in HR 2023)

    Bogers, T., Graus, D., Kaya, M., Johnson, C. & Decorte, J.-J., 14 sep. 2023, Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2023. United States: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 1244–1247 4 s. (RecSys '23).

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  • Understanding Recruiters’ Information Seeking Behavior in Talent Search

    Kaya, M. & Bogers, T., mar. 2023, ACM SIGIR Conference On Human Information Interaction And Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery

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  • 2022

    FinRec: The 3rd International Workshop on Personalization & Recommender Systems in Financial Services

    Bogers, T., Musto, C., Wang, D., Felfernig, A., Bruun, S. B., Semeraro, G. & Zheng, Y., 12 sep. 2022, RecSys 2022 - Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 688-690 3 s. (RecSys 2022 - Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems).

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  • Information Quality in Information Interaction and Retrieval: Workshop Proposal for CHIIR 2022

    van der Sluis, F., Smith, C., Bogers, T. & Meier, F., 2022, Proceedings of CHIIR '22: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 371–373 3 s.

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  • Second Workshop on Recommender Systems for Human Resources (RecSys in HR 2022)

    Bogers, T., Graus, D., Kaya, M., Gutiérrez, F., Mesbah, S. & Johnson, C., 12 sep. 2022, RecSys 2022 - Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 671-674 4 s. (RecSys 2022 - Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems).

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  • The Influence of Data Storytelling on the Ability to Recall Information

    Zdanovic, D., Lembcke, T. J. & Bogers, T., 14 mar. 2022, Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval: CHIIR '22. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 67-77 11 s. (CHIIR 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval).

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  • ThirdWorkshop on Building towards Information Interaction and Retrieval Resources Re-use (BIIRRR 2022)

    Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Hall, M. M., Koolen, M., Petras, V. & Thomas, P., 14 mar. 2022, CHIIR 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 374-376 3 s. (CHIIR 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval).

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  • 2021

    A Manifesto on Resource Re-Use in Interactive Information Retrieval

    Gäde, M., Koolen, M., Hall, M., Bogers, T. & Petras, V., 14 mar. 2021, Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval: CHIIR '21. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 141-149 9 s.

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  • ComplexRec 2021: Fifth workshop on recommendation in complex environments

    Abdollahpouri, H., Bogers, T., Mobasher, B., Petersen, C. & Pera, M. S. S., 13 sep. 2021, RecSys 2021 - 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 775-777 3 s. (RecSys 2021 - 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems).

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  • RecSys in HR: Workshop on recommender systems for human resources

    Bogers, T., Graus, D., Kaya, M., Gutiérrez, F. & Verbert, K., 13 sep. 2021, RecSys 2021 - 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 799-802 4 s. (RecSys 2021 - 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems).

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  • Towards Understanding Complex Known-Item Requests on Reddit

    Meier, F. M., Bogers, T., Gäde, M. & Thomsen, L. E., 2021, Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '21). Conlan, O. (red.). Association for Computing Machinery, s. 143-154

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  • “They each have their forte”: An Exploratory Diary Study of Temporary Switching Behavior between Mobile Messenger Services

    Meier, F. M., Langberg Schmidt, A. & Bogers, T., 2021, Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue. Toeppe, K., Yan, H. & Kai Wah Chu, S. (red.). Germany: Springer VS, s. 268-286 19 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

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  • 2020

    A Standardised Format for Exchanging User Study Instruments

    Hall, M. M. & Bogers, T., 14 mar. 2020, CHIIR '20: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 457-461 5 s. (CHIIR 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval).

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  • Hands-free but not Eyes-free: A Usability Evaluation of Siri while Driving

    Larsen, H. H., Scheel, A. N., Bogers, T. & Larsen, B., 14 mar. 2020, CHIIR '20: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 63-72 10 s. (CHIIR 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval).

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

  • 2019

    A Study of Usage and Usability of Intelligent Personal Assistants in Denmark

    Bogers, T., Al-Basri, A. A. A., Ostermann Rytlig, C., Bak Møller, M. E., Juhl Rasmussen, M., Bates Michelsen, N. K. & Gerling Jørgensen, S., 31 mar. 2019, Information in Contemporary Society. Taylor, N. G., Christian-Lamb, C., Nardi, B. & Martin, M. H. (red.). Germany: Springer VS, s. 79-90 12 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

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  • Third workshop on recommendation in complex scenarios (ComplexreC 2019)

    Koolen, M., Bogers, T., Mobasher, B. & Tuzhilin, A., 10 sep. 2019, RecSys 2019 - 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 550-551 2 s.

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  • Workshop on barriers to interactive IR resources re-use (BIIRRR 2019)

    Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Petras, V., Dodson, S., Hall, M., Pharo, N., Freund, L., Koolen, M. & Skov, M., 8 mar. 2019, CHIIR 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 389-392 4 s. (CHIIR 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval).

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  • “Looking for an Amazing Game I Can Relax and Sink Hours into..”: A Study of Relevance Aspects in Video Game Discovery

    Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Koolen, M., Petras, V. & Skov, M., 2019, Information in Contemporary Society. Taylor, N. G., Christian-Lamb, C., Martin, M. H. & Nardi, B. (red.). Germany: Springer VS, s. 503-515 13 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

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  • 2018

    2nd workshop on recommendation in complex scenarios (ComplexreC 2018)

    Bogers, A. M., Koolen, M., Mobasher, B., Said, A. & Petersen, C., 27 sep. 2018, RecSys 2018 - 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 510-511 2 s.

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  • "I Just Scroll Through My Stuff Until I Find It or Give Up!": A Contextual Inquiry of PIM on Private Handheld Devices

    Jensen, A. E., Jægerfelt, C. M., Francis, S., Larsen, B. & Bogers, T., 2018, CHIIR 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 140-149 10 s. (CHIIR '18).

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  • Injecting Realism into Simulated Work Tasks: A Case Study of the Book Domain

    Borlund, P. & Bogers, T., 10 nov. 2018, Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2018). Vancouver, Canada: Association for Information Science and Technology, s. 759-761 3 s. (American Society for Information Science & Technology. Annual Meeting Proceedings).

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  • Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use

    Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Freund, L., Hall, M., Koolen, M., Petras, V. & Skov, M., 2018, CHIIR '18 Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 382-385 4 s.

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  • “I’m looking for something like …”: Combining Narratives and Example Items for Narrative-driven Book Recommendation

    Bogers, T. & Koolen, M., 2018, KaRS 2018: Proceedings of the 2018 Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems Workshop. Vancouver, Canada: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 9 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings).

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  • 2017

    An In-Depth Analysis of Tags and Controlled Metadata for Book Search

    Bogers, T. & Petras, V., 25 mar. 2017, Proceedings of iConference 2017. iSchools, 16 s. (iConference, Bind 2).

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  • Current research in supporting complex search tasks

    Koolen, M., Kamps, J., Bogers, T., Belkin, N. J., Kelly, D. & Yilmaz, E., 2017, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks: co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval (CHIIR 2017). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, s. 1-4 4 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1798).

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  • Second workshop on supporting complex search tasks

    Belkin, N., Bogers, T., Kamps, J., Kelly, D., Koolen, M. & Yilmaz, E., 7 mar. 2017, CHIIR 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 Conference Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 433-435 3 s.

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  • Workshop on Recommendation in Complex Scenarios (ComplexRec 2017)

    Bogers, T., Koolen, M., Mobasher, B., Said, A. & Tuzhilin, A., 31 aug. 2017, RecSys '17 Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 380-381 2 s.

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  • 2016

    Analyzing the Influence of Language Proficiency on Interactive Book Search Behavior

    Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Hall, M. M. & Skov, M., 21 mar. 2016, Proceedings of iConference 2016: Partnership with Society. iSchools, 5 s.

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  • Overview of the CLEF 2016 Social Book Search Lab

    Koolen, M., Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Hall, M., Hendrickx, I., Huurdemann, H., Jaap, K., Skov, M., Verberne, S. & Walsh, D., 2016, Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. Fuhr, N. (red.). Germany: Springer VS, s. 351-370 20 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

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  • Overview of the SBS 2016 Interactive Track

    Gäde, M., Hall, M., Huurdeman, H., Kamps, J., Koolen, M., Skov, M., Bogers, T. & Walsh, D., 2016, Working Notes of CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum. Balog, K., Cappellato, L., Ferro, N. & Macdonald, C. (red.). s. 1024-1038 15 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1609).

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  • Overview of the SBS 2016 Mining Track

    Bogers, T., Hendrickx, I., Koolen, M. & Verberne, S., 5 sep. 2016, Working Notes of CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum. Balog, K., Capellato, L., Ferro, N. & McDonald, C. (red.). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, s. 1053-1063 11 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1609).

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  • Overview of the SBS 2016 Suggestion Track

    Koolen, M., Bogers, T. & Jaap, K., 5 sep. 2016, Working Notes of CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, s. 1039-1052 14 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1609).

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  • The iSchool Community: A Case Study of iConference Reviews

    Bogers, T. & Greifeneder, E., 21 mar. 2016, Proceedings of iConference 2016. iSchools, 11 s.

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  • Third Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems (CBRecSys 2016)

    Bogers, T., Koolen, M., Musto, C., Lops, P. & Semeraro, G., 15 sep. 2016, RecSys ‘16: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 419-420 2 s.

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  • 2015

    A Longitudinal Analysis of Search Engine Index Size

    Van den Bosch, A., Bogers, T. & De Kunder, M., jun. 2015, Proceedings of ISSI 2015 Istanbul: 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference. Salah, A. A., Tonta, Y., Salah, A. A. A., Sugimoto, C. & Al, U. (red.). Boğaziçi University Printhouse, s. 71-82 12 s.

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  • Looking for Books in Social Media: An Analysis of Complex Search Requests

    Koolen, M., Bogers, T., Kamps, J. & Van den Bosch, A., 29 mar. 2015, Advances in Information Retrieval. Hanbury, A., Kazai, G., Rauber, A. & Fuhr, N. (red.). Germany: Springer VS, s. 184-196 13 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

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  • Overview of the CLEF 2015 Social Book Search Lab

    Koolen, M., Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Hall, M., Huurdeman, H., Kamps, J., Skov, M., Toms, E. & Walsh, D., 8 sep. 2015, Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. Mothe, J., Savoy, J., Kamps, J., Pinel-Sauvagnat, K., Jones, G. J. F., SanJuan, E., Cappellato, L. & Ferro, N. (red.). Germany: Springer VS, s. 545-564 20 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

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  • Searching for Movies: An Exploratory Analysis of Movie-related Information Needs

    Bogers, T., 24 mar. 2015, Proceedings of iConference 2015. iSchools, 6 s.

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  • Second Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems (CBRecSys 2015)

    Bogers, T. & Koolen, M., 16 sep. 2015, RecSys ‘15: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 339-340 2 s.

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  • Tagging vs. Controlled Vocabulary: Which is More Helpful for Book Search?

    Bogers, T. & Petras, V., 24 mar. 2015, Proceedings of iConference 2015. iSchools, 15 s.

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  • The Influence of Language Proficiency on Book Search Behaviour

    Skov, M. & Bogers, T., 8 sep. 2015, Working Notes of CLEF2015 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum. Cappellato, L., Nicola, F., Jones, G. J. F. & Juan, E. S. (red.). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 6 s. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1391).

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  • 2014

    How 'Social' are Social News Sites? Exploring the Motivations for Using

    Bogers, T. & Nordenhoff Wernersen, R., 1 mar. 2014, Proceedings of the iConference 2014. IDEALS: iSchools, s. 329-344 15 s.

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  • Overview of INEX 2014

    Bellot, P., Bogers, T., Geva, S., Hall, M., Huurdeman, H., Kamps, J., Kazai, G., Koolen, M., Moriceau, V., Mothe, J., Preminger, M., SanJuan, E., Schenkel, R., Skov, M., Tannier, X. & Walsh, D., 1 sep. 2014, Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. Kanoulas, E., Lupu, M., Clough, P., Sanderson, M., Hall, M., Hanbury, A. & Toms, E. (red.). Germany: Springer VS, s. 212-228 17 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

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  • Overview of the INEX 2014 Social Book Search Track

    Koolen, M., Bogers, T., Kazai, G., Jaap, K. & Preminger, M., sep. 2014, Proceedings of the CLEF2014 Working Notes. Cappellato, L., Ferro, N., Halvey, M. & Kraaij, W. (red.). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Bind 1180. s. 462-479 18 s.

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  • Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems (CBRecSys 2014)

    Bogers, T., Koolen, M. & Cantádor, I., 6 okt. 2014, RecSys ‘14: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 379-380 2 s.

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  • 2013

    Benchmarking Domain-specific Expert Search Using Workshop Programme Committees

    Bordea, G., Bogers, T. & Buitelaar, P., 28 okt. 2013, CompSci '13: Proceedings of the 2013 workshop on Computational scientometrics: Theory & Applications. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 19-24

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