Personlig profil


With a background in Anthropology and Ethnography (PhD from Aarhus University 2010), my research approach is to investigate how digital technologies attain and inform value(s) and meaning(s) in various parts of social and cultural life (including political, economic and organisational). Currently I am conducting research projects focusing on the value and meaning of climate data in different contexts, including how technologies are deployed to mitigate climtae change. The project have been funded by DFF (4 projects, including a Sapere Aude grant), Carlsbergfondet (1 project), and the ERC (the Consolidator Grant for the project DecouplingIT).

Previously I have worked with state, government and leadership ideals in Papua New Guinea in the western Pacific, and with electoral technologies and their management in Denmark.

Apart from this I represent the ITU in a number of external bodies including groups under the ATV (Academy for Technical Sciences).



  • Social anthropology
  • ethnography
  • qualitative methods
  • state and bureaucracy
  • democracy
  • elections and voting
  • anthropology of politics and economy
  • leadership
  • climate change and environment
  • development
  • globalisation


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