6 Lignende profiler
Lighed er baseret på overlappende koncepter i fingeraftryk og delt arbejde og organisatoriske tilknytninger af Shivansh Ajmani med personerne nedenfor:
Jonas Haugaard Jensen
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - PhD studerende
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab
Person: VIP
Nicolas Hugo Bessone
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - PhD studerende
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab
Person: VIP
Veronika Cheplygina
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Lektor
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications
- Pattern Recognition Revisited lab - Forskningsgruppeleder
Person: VIP
Kasper Støy
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Professor
- Machine Learning
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab - Forskningsgruppeleder
- The Maritime Hub
Person: VIP