6 Lignende profiler
Lighed er baseret på overlappende koncepter i fingeraftryk og delt arbejde og organisatoriske tilknytninger af Leon Y. Xiao med personerne nedenfor:
Rune Kristian Lundedal Nielsen
- Digital Design - Associate Professor, Head of Center
- Play, Culture and AI Section
- Games Research Group
- Center for Digital Play
- Game Lab
Person: VIP
Sara Marie Ertner
- Digital Design - Associate Professor, Head of study programme
- Digital Societies and Participation Section
- Welfare Technology - Policy - People - Practices
- Center for Digital Velfærd
Person: VIP
Morten Hjelholt
- Digital Design - Konstitueret institutleder
- Digital Societies and Participation Section - Head of Section
- Design Research Section - Head of Section
Person: VIP, TAP