Publikationer pr. år

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  • 2023


    Maguire, J., 15 jul. 2023, Reclaiming Technology: a poetic-scientific vocabularly. Maguire, J. & Ross Winthereik, B. (red.). Copenhagen: Ctrl+Alt+Delete Books, s. 88-89 2 s.

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  • 2021

    Conclusion: Energy worlds in Experiment

    Maguire, J., Winthereik, B. R. & Watts, L., 15 apr. 2021, Energy Worlds in Experiment. Maguire, J., Winthereik, B. R. & Watts, L. (red.). London: Mattering Press

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  • Energy in Anthropology and STS: A Conversation with Dominic Boyer

    Maguire, J., 15 apr. 2021, Energy Worlds in Experiment. Maguire, J., Watts, L. & Winthereik, B. (red.). Mattering Press

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  • Here, but mostly elsewhere

    Maguire, J., 3 dec. 2021, Hyperscale: Cloud Materialities. Hoder, G. & Remin, J. (red.). Copenhagen: Aleatorik, s. 1 6 s.

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  • Propositional Politics

    Endre Danyi, Michaela Spencer, Maguire, J., Hannah Knox & Andrea Ballestero, 15 apr. 2021, Energy Worlds in Experiment. Maguire, J., Watts, L. & Ross Winthereik, B. (red.). London: Mattering Press

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  • Sound recording as analytic technique

    Winthereik, B. R. & Maguire, J., 2021, Experimenting with Ethnography: A Companion to Analysis. Ballestero, A. & Winthereik, B. R. (red.). Durham and London: Duke University Press, s. 163-174

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  • 2020

    Anthropogenic Earthquakes

    Maguire, J., 2020, Feral Atlas: The More-Than-Human Anthropocene. Tsing, A., Deger, J., Keleman Saxena, A. & Zhou, F. (red.). Stanford University Press

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  • 2019

    The Energy Walk: Infrastructuring the Imagination

    Winthereik, B. R., Watts, L. & Maguire, J., 2019, digitalSTS: A Field Guide for Science & Technology Studies. Versi, J. & Ribes, D. (red.). 1 udg. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, s. 349-364 16 s.

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  • 2018

    A Bestiary of Digital Monsters

    Douglas-Jones, R., Burnett, J. M., Cohn, M., Gad, C., Hockenhull, M., Jørgensen, B., Maguire, J., Ojala, M. & Winthereik, B. R., 2018, Living with Monsters?: Social Implications of Algorithmic Phenomena, Hybrid Agency, and the Performativity of Technology. Springer, s. 177-190 (IFIP AICT - Advances in Information and Communication technology, Bind 543).

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  • 2016

    Living with the Earth: More-than-human arrangements in seismic landscapes

    Maguire, J. & Winthereik, B. R., 2016, Infrastructures and Social Complexity: A companion. London & New York: Routledge, s. 161-173 12 s.

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  • 2015

    Virtual Fish Stink Too

    Maguire, J., 2015, Gambling Debt: Iceland’s Rise and Fall in the Global Economy. Palsson, G. & Durrenberger, P. (red.). Colorado, US: Colorado Press, s. 121-136

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