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Hasib has been a researcher and practitioner of Digital Transformation in the Global South, ICT for Development (ICT4D), ICT Policy, and International and Sustainable Development for more than 14 years. He worked with governments, NGOs and private sectors, universities and with social enterprises including marginalized communities.
Using Human Centred Design (HCD) approach, he ideated, designed and implemented large scale digital services in 'Digital Agriculture', 'Digital Health', 'mHealth', IT-based Water and Sanitation, Mobile-based Livestock Service, Refugee crisis and ICT, etc.
He is currently working as a PhD Researcher and also as a Co-PI at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU), Denmark. His PhD research is around 'ICT based development and Impact in the Global South Countries' - specifically on digital agriculture, digital health and ICT in refugees crisis. He did his fieldwork in Bangladesh and Cambodia. During his PhD tenure, Hasib also applied for and received three external grants (A total of DKK 3.6 million) with the PI from Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF). The action research projects designed, developed and implemented mHealth and digital health systems within the Syrian refugee community and the Rohingya refugee community in Jordan and Bangladesh respectively.
Before joining ITU, Hasib worked for around 12 years in ICT for Development and International and Sustainable Development. He was the Director of e-Agriculture (On a study leave now) at mPower Social Enterprises Ltd in Bangladesh and implemented various large scale 'Digital Development' projects as Team Lead which are funded by USAID, Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) - the Netherlands, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands (EKN), Netherlands Space Office (NSO), World Bank-IFC, UkAiD (DfID), GiZ (Germany), Water Aid etc. He was involved to implement customized information technology-based solutions which helped development organizations to make social impact in the rural and disadvantaged communities. So far, he was involved in designing and implementing services for approx. 200,000 people in South Asia and South-East Asian countries. Hasib worked with government and ministries, NGOs, private companies, universities, and social enterprises and formed multiple national/international consortiums to attract external funding and execute projects in underprivileged communities.
Hasib also worked on ICT Policy and strategy development for governments and international organisations. He contributed to World Bank's Climate Smart Agriculture Investment Plan (CSAIP) for Bangladesh. Besides, also contributed as an expert member of UNIDO's Smart Agribusiness Strategy for member countries. With aid from Rockefeller Foundation, he worked as a resource person for the readiness mapping of e-Health Policy in Bangladesh in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
His works are recognised in different international arenas and he participated in Nobel Prize Week in Sweden, 2016 as an international fellow from the Swedish Institute (SI). He received notable recognitions, fellowships and awards, such as the United Nations World Summit Award (WSA), Standard-Charted Bank Agrow Award, South Asian mBillionth Award, National Mobile Application Award, MIT D-Lab Design Thinking Fellowship (IDDS), Asian Young Scholar Award from IDRC, Canada, Swedish Young Connectors of the Future (YCF) Fellowship, ETHOS World Bank Fellow in ICT and Entrepreneurship, Internet Governance Fellowship from of APIGA and ICANN.
Total external fund received from donors and foundations: USD 25 million (Approx)
My research interests focus on Digital Development, ICT4D, Digital Transformation (Global South), HCI, International Development, SDG.
♦ Director of e-Agriculture, mPower Social Enterprises Ltd. Bangladesh (Jan 2017- Sep 2018)
- Project Lead, mPower (2016-2018): The Netherlands Space Office (NSO) funded Geo data to control late blight fungal disease in potato in Bangladesh (GEOPOTATO) project with 50,000 farmers.
- ICT Head of Operations (2013-2018): USAID funded Agricultural Extension Support Activity Project (e- Agriculture) with 110,000 farmers in Bangladesh
- Project Lead, mPower (2015-2018): The Netherlands Space Office (NSO) funded Geodata based information services for small farmers in Bangladesh (GEOBIS) project – with 50,000 beneficiaries
- Project Lead, mPower (2017-2018): World Bank-IFC funded Digital Agriculture Advisory Service for PPCR Project with 30,000 farmers in Bangladesh and Nepal
- Project Director, mPower (2017-2018): Water and delta capacity development project (DeltaCap) – 4 years long project funded by NICHE (Netherlands Government)
- Project Lead, mPower (2017-2018): USAID Feed the Future Asia Innovative Farmers Activity (AIFA) funded AgriBytes Project: A Platform that Brings Together Diverse Stakeholders in the Agricultural Sector of Bangladesh through Sharing Data, Strategies and Innovation.
- Project Lead, mPower (2017-1018): Smartphone app-based and female entrepreneur driven farmer advisory services pilot project. Implemented by mPower and iSocial Bangladesh
- Team Lead, mPower (2016-2017): Climate and Agriculture Information Service (CAIS) Project – funded by Welthungerhilfe, Germany.
- Team Lead, mPower (2016-2017): Mobile based Climate Smart Agro Information and Services for Farmers Project – funded by Christian Aid Bangladesh
♦ Senior Program and Research Manager, mPower Social Enterprises Ltd., Bangladesh (Jan 2013 - Dec 2016)
- ICT Head of Operations (2013-2018): USAID funded Agricultural Extension Support Activity Project (e- Agriculture) with 110,000 farmers in Bangladesh
- Project Lead (2013-2014): Mobile Phone based Program Management Information System (mPMIS) in water and sanitation sector – Funded by WaterAid
- Project Lead (2012-2013): Pilot intervention in ‘Intelligent’ Mobile-based Livestock Management System Project – funded by UKAid (Current name, FCDO)
- Research Lead (2012-2013): ‘Digital Monitoring and Evaluation System’ and ‘Mobile-based Change Management Evaluation System’ of ‘SHIREE Project’ – the biggest extreme poverty and economic empowerment project in Bangladesh funded by UKAid (Current name, FCDO)
Director of e-Agriculture, mPower
1 jan. 2017 → 1 sep. 2018
Project Director (mPower), Water and delta capacity development project (DeltaCap) , NICHE fund of the Netherlands Government
2017 → 2018
Project Lead, Digital Agriculture Advisory Service for World Bank-IFC PPCR project, mPower
2017 → 2018
Project Lead, USAID and Feed the Future funded AgriBytes Project in Bangladesh, mPower
2017 → 2018
Project Lead, Smartphone app based, and female entrepreneur driven farmer advisory services pilot project with iSocial Bangladesh, mPower
2017 → 2018
Project Lead (mPower), Geodata to Control Potato Lateblight in Bangladesh (GEOPOTATO)
1 jan. 2016 → 31 aug. 2018
Project Lead, Climate and Agriculture Information Service (CAIS) – funded by Welthungerhilfe, Germany, mPower
2016 → 2017
Project Lead, Mobile based Climate smart Agro Information and Services for Farmers Project – funded by Christian Aid Bangladesh, mPower
2016 → 2017
Project Lead (mPower), Geodata based information services for small farmers in Bangladesh (GEOBIS), Netherlands Space Office (NSO)
2015 → 2018
Senior Program and Research Manager, mPower
1 jan. 2013 → 31 dec. 2016
ICT Head of Operations (mPower), USAID Agriculture Extension Support Activity (Digital Agriculture) Project, USAID
2013 → 2018
Project Lead (mPower), Mobile Phone based Program Management Information System – mPMIS in water and sanitation sector funded by WaterAid Bangladesh, WaterAid
2013 → 2014
Project Lead (mPower), Pilot intervention in ‘Intelligent’ Mobile-based Livestock Management System Project – funded by UKAid, UkAiD
2012 → 2013
ICT Evaluation Lead, ‘Digital Monitoring System’ or ‘Change Management System’ evaluation lead of UkAid funded ‘SHIREE Project’, mPower
2012 → 2013
Research and Development Coordinator, mPower
23 jan. 2011 → 31 dec. 2012
Researcher (mPower), Mobile-based telemedicine Services through female community medic aides, Friendship
2011 → 2012
Program Manager (mPower), e-Health scenario mapping with the Ministry of Health, Bangladesh , Rockefeller Foundation
2011 → 2012
Researcher, Mobile-enabled Breast Cancer Case Finding, Reporting and Referral Management using Primary Care Health Workers – With International Breast Cancer Research Foundation (IBCRF), USA, mPower
2011 → 2012
Researcher, Micro Health Insurance Program through Mobile Telemedicine - with Sajida Foundation Bangladesh, mPower
Assistant Project Manager, Centre for Disability in Development (CDD)
1 aug. 2008 → 31 dec. 2010
Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitel › Konferencebidrag i proceedings › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitel › Konferencebidrag i proceedings › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitel › Konferencebidrag i proceedings › Forskning › peer review
Christensen, L. R. & Ahsan, H.
1 Mediebidrag
Ahsan, H., Rohman, I. K. & Zaber, M.
1 Mediebidrag
1 Mediebidrag
1 element af Mediedækning
Chowdhury, M. (Modtager), Ahsan, H. (Modtager) & Islam, N. (Modtager), 2017
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser
Chowdhury, M. (Modtager) & Ahsan, H. (Modtager), 2019
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser
Chowdhury, M. (Modtager) & Ahsan, H. (Modtager), 2018
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser
Christensen, L. R. (PI) & Ahsan, H. (CoPI)
01/11/2020 → 01/04/2022
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Christensen, L. R. (PI) & Ahsan, H. (CoPI)
01/10/2021 → 01/04/2023
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Christensen, L. R. (PI) & Ahsan, H. (CoI)
01/06/2019 → 30/09/2020
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Dalsgaard, S. (PI), Wang, C. (CoI), Ahsan, H. (CoI), Maguire, J. (CoI), Santos da Costa, P. (CoI), Hansen, C. B. N. (CoI), Figueiredo, F. S. (CoI) & Guo, V. (CoI)
01/11/2022 → 31/10/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning