
  • 2024

    Skolemisation for Intuitionistic Linear Logic

    Bruni, A., Ritter, E. & Schürmann, C., 2024, International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning. Springer Nature

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  • 2023

    A Logical Interpretation of Asynchronous Multiparty Compatibility

    Carbone, M., Marin, S. & Schürmann, C., 16 okt. 2023, A Logical Interpretation of Asynchronous Multiparty Compatibility. Springer, Cham, Bind 14330. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 14330).

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  • Receipt-Free Electronic Voting from zk-SNARK

    Giustolisi, R., Schürmann, C. & Sheikhi Garjan, M., 2023, 2023 International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT). SCITEPRESS Digital Library, Bind 1. s. 254-266 16 s.

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  • Security Awareness Training Through Experiencing the Adversarial Mindset

    Dalgaard, J. C., Kulyk, O., Schürmann, C. & Janssen, N. A., 2023, Usable Security and Privacy (USEC) Symposium 2023.

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  • 2022

    Modelling human threats in security ceremonies

    Giustolisi, R., Schürmann, C. & Bella, G., 2022, I: Journal of Computer Security. 30, 3, s. 411–433 23 s.

    Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

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  • Post-Election Audits in the Philippines

    Schürmann, C., 3 okt. 2022. 10 s.

    Publikation: Konferencebidrag - EJ publiceret i proceeding eller tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review

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  • POSTER: Enabling User-Accountable Mechanisms in Decision Systems

    Giustolisi, R. & Schürmann, C., 2022, International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security. Springer, s. 600-605 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 13285).

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  • 2021

    A Declaration of Software Independence

    Ryan, P., Jamroga, W., Schneider, S., Schürmann, C. & Stark, P., 2021, Festschrift for Joshua Guttman. Springer

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  • How to weaponize RLAs to discredit an election

    Schürmann, C., 2021.

    Publikation: Konferencebidrag - EJ publiceret i proceeding eller tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review

  • Security Protocols as Choreographies

    Bruni, A., Carbone, M., Giustolisi, R., Mödersheim, S. A. & Schürmann, C., 2021, Security Protocols as Choreographies: Joshua Guttman's Festschrift . Springer, s. 98 111 s.

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  • Trimming Data Sets: a Verified Algorithm for Robust Mean Estimation

    Daukantas, I., Bruni, A. & Schürmann, C., 2021, Proceedings of PPDP (Principles of Declarative Programing Languages). Association for Computing Machinery

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  • Voter Perceptions of Trust in Risk-Limiting Audit

    Dalela, A., Kulyk, O. & Schürmann, C., 2021, Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting (E-Vote-ID 2021). TalTech press

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  • Voter Perceptions of Trust in Risk-Limiting Audits (Extended)

    Dalela, A., Kulyk, O. & Schürmann, C., 2021

    Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Rapport / Ph.D.-afhandlingRapportForskning

  • 2020

    Effective Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Election Officials

    Schürmann, C., Jensen, L. H. & Sigbjörnsdóttir, R., 2020, Electronic Voting: E-Vote-ID 2020. Springer, s. 196-212 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 12455).

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  • 2019

    A Security Analysis of the Danish Deposit Return System

    Garbacz, I., Giustolisi, R., Møller Nielsen, K. & Schürmann, C., 1 nov. 2019, Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust. Springer, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

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  • Technical and Socio-Technical Attacks on the Danish Party Endorsement System

    Schürmann, C. & Bruni, A., 24 sep. 2019, Electronic Voting. Springer, Bind LLNCS11759. s. 200-215 15 s.

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  • 2018

    Choreographies, logically

    Carbone, M., Montesi, F. & Schürmann, C., 2018, I: Distributed Computing. 31, 1, s. 51-67 17 s.

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  • Formal Verification of Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC)

    Bruni, A., Jørgensen, T. S., Petersen, T. G. & Schürmann, C., 2018, Security Standardisation Research : 4th International Conference. Cremers, C. & Lehmann, A. (red.). Darmstadt, Germany: Springer, s. 21-36 15 s.

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

  • 2017

    An Introduction to Voting Rule Verification

    Beckert, B., Bormer, T., Gore, R., Kirsten, M. & Schürmann, C., 2017, Trends in Computational Social Choice. AI Access, s. 269-289 20 s.

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  • A Risk-Limiting Audit In Denmark: A Pilot

    Schürmann, C., 2017, First International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2016, Bregenz, Austria, October 18-21, 2016, Proceedings. Springer, s. 192-202 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10141).

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  • Automated Analysis of Accountability

    Bruni, A., Giustolisi, R. & Schürmann, C., 2017, Information Security - 20th International Conference, {ISC} 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 22-24, 2017, Proceedings. Springer, s. 417-434 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10599).

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  • Automatic Margin Computation for Risk-Limiting Audits

    Beckert, B., Kirsten, M., Klebanov, V. & Schürmann, C., 2017, First International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2016, Bregenz, Austria, October 18-21, 2016, Proceedings. Springer, s. 18-35 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10141).

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  • Eos a Universal Verifiable and Coercion Resistant Voting Protocol

    Patachi, S. & Schürmann, C., 2017, Electronic Voting: Second International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2017, Bregenz, Austria, October 24-27, 2017, Proceedings. Bregenz/Lochau: Springer, s. 210-227 17 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10615).

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  • How Could Snowden Attack an Election?

    Wikström, D., Barrat, J., Heiberg, S., Krimmer, R., Schürmann, C., Lipmaa, H. & Teague, V., 24 okt. 2017, Electronic Voting: Second International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2017, Bregenz, Austria, October 24-27, 2017, Proceedings. Bregenz/Lochau: Springer, s. 280-291 11 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10615).

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  • Multiparty session types as coherence proofs

    Carbone, M., Montesi, F., Montesi, F., Schürmann, C. & Yoshida, N., 2017, I: Acta Informatica. 54, 3, s. 243-269

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  • Party Endorsement Systems and Internet Voting.

    Schürmann, C. & Stauning, S., 24 okt. 2017, E-Vote-ID 2017: Second International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2017, Bregenz, Austria, October 24-27, 2017, Proceedings. Tallinn: TUT Press, s. 207-208 2 s.

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  • Towards a Mechanized Proof of Selene Receipt-Freeness and Vote-Privacy

    Bruni, A., Drewsen, E. & Schürmann, C., 2017, Electronic Voting - Second International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2017, Bregenz, Austria, October 24-27, 2017, Proceedings. Springer, s. 110-126 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10615).

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  • 2016

    Coherence Generalises Duality: A Logical Explanation of Multiparty Session Types

    Carbone, M., Lindley, S., Montesi, F., Schürmann, C. & Wadler, P., 2016, I: Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). 59, s. 1-15 15 s., 33.

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  • Framing Electoral Transparency: A comparative analysis of three e-votes counting ceremonies

    Schürmann, C., Markussen, R., Bélanger, O. & Ronquillo, L., 2016. 18 s.

    Publikation: Konferencebidrag - EJ publiceret i proceeding eller tidsskriftPaperForskning

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  • Measuring Voter Lines

    Schürmann, C. & Wang, J., 2016, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government: CeDEM 16. IEEE Professional Communication Society, s. 57-65 8 s.

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  • Representing Session Types

    Bock, P. B., Murawska, A., Bruni, A. & Schürmann, C., 2016, 23 s.

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  • 2015

    Certification of ICTs in Elections

    Schürmann, C., Barrat, J., Bolo, E., Bravo, A., Krimmer, R., Neumann, S., Acong Parreno, A., Volkamer, M. & Wolf, P., 2015, Stockholm: International IDEA. 76 s.

    Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Rapport / Ph.D.-afhandlingBogForskning

  • Measuring Voter Lines

    Schürmann, C. & Wang, J., nov. 2015, TR-2015-191 udg. Copenhagen: IT-Universitetet i København. 26 s. (IT University Technical Report Series; Nr. TR-2015-191).

    Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Rapport / Ph.D.-afhandlingRapportForskning

  • Multiparty Session Types as Coherence Proofs

    Carbone, M., Montesi, F., Schürmann, C. & Yoshida, N., 2015, 26th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2015): Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik GmbH, Bind 42. s. 412 15 s.

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  • Vote Counting as Mathematical Proof

    Schürmann, C. & Pattinson, D., 1 dec. 2015, Proceedings of 28th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Pfahringer, B. & Renz, J. (red.). 2015 udg. Canberra: Springer, Bind LNAI 9457. s. 464-475 11 s.

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  • 2014

    Choreographies, Logically

    Carbone, M., Montesi, F. & Schürmann, C., 2014, I: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8704, s. 47-62 15 s.

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  • Hybrid Extensions in a Logical Framework

    Schürmann, C., Brock-Nannestad, T., Guenot, N. & Murawska, A., 2014, LFMTP '14 Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages: Theory and Practice. Association for Computing Machinery, 6

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  • Mode Checking in the Concurrent Logical Framework

    Schürmann, C., Sacchini, J., Pfenning, F. & Cervesato, I., 2014, (Technical Report Carnegie Mellon University).

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  • The Use of Open Source Technology in Elections

    Schürmann, C., Clouser, M., Krimmer, R., Nore, H. & Wolf, P., 2014, International IDEA. 54 s.

    Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Rapport / Ph.D.-afhandlingBogUndervisning

  • Trust in Internet Election: Observing the Norwegian Decryption and Counting Ceremony

    Markussen, R., Ronquillo, L. & Schürmann, C., okt. 2014, 6th International Conference on Electronic Voting (EVOTE), TUT Press, October 2014. (jcg: 26/11/14). Krimmer, R. & Volkamer, M. (red.). s. 75-82 8 s.

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  • Verifying Voting Schemes

    Schürmann, C., Beckert, B., Gore, R., Bormer, T. & Wang, J., apr. 2014, I: Journal of Information Security and Applications. 19, 2, s. 115-129

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  • 2013

    Analysing Vote Counting Algorithms Via Logic

    Schürmann, C., Beckert, B. & Gore, R., 2013, Proceedings of the fourth Conference on E-Voting and Identity (VOTEID'13). Springer, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 7985).

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  • Analysing Vote Counting Algorithms Via Logic - And its Application to the CADE Election Scheme

    Schürmann, C., Beckert, B. & Gore, R., 2013, Automated Deduction – CADE-24: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-24). Springer, s. 135-144 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 7898).

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  • 2012

    Linear Logical Voting Protocols

    DeYoung, H. & Schürmann, C., 2012, I: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7187, s. 53-70

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  • On Matching Concurrent Traces

    Schürmann, C., Cervesato, I., Pfenning, F. & Simmons, R. J., 2012, Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Unification (UNIF 26). s. 14-19

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  • Trace Matching in a Concurrent Logical Framework

    Cervesato, I., Pfenning, F., Sacchini, J., Schürmann, C. & Simmons, R., 2012, LFMTP '12 Proceedings of the seventh international workshop on Logical frameworks and meta-languages, theory and practice . Association for Computing Machinery, s. 1 12 s. (Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages: Theory and Practice (LFMTP'12)).

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  • Truthful Monadic Abstractions

    Brock-Nannestad, T. & Schürmann, C., 2012, IJCAR'12 Proceedings of the 6th international joint conference on Automated Reasoning. Springer, Bind 7364. s. 97-110 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 7364).

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

  • 2011

    A Bigraph Relational Model

    Beauquier, M. & Schürmann, C., 2011, I: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 71, s. 14 28 s.

    Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskriftKonferenceartikelForskningpeer review

  • Linear contextual modal type theory

    Schack-Nielsen, A. & Schürmann, C., 2011, TR-2011-151 udg. Copenhagen: IT-Universitetet i København. 6 s. (IT University Technical Report Series; Nr. TR-2011-151).

    Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Rapport / Ph.D.-afhandlingRapportForskning

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  • Modernizing the Danish democratic process

    Schürmann, C., okt. 2011, I: Association for Computing Machinery. Communications. 2011, 10, s. 27-29

    Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskriftKonferenceartikelFormidling