- 32 resultater
Patrick Bahr
- Theoretical Computer Science - Lektor
- Programming Logic and Semantics
- Kandidat i Softwaredesign - Linjeleder
Person: VIP
Marco Carbone
- Theoretical Computer Science - Lektor
- Programming Logic and Semantics
- Center for Information Security and Trust - Lektor
- Kandidat i Datalogi - Linjeleder
Person: VIP
Riko Jacob
- Theoretical Computer Science - Sektionsleder
- Machine Learning
- Algorithms - Forskningsgruppeleder
- Center for Information Security and Trust
Person: VIP
Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg
- Theoretical Computer Science - Lektor
- Programming Logic and Semantics - Forskningsgruppeleder
Person: VIP
Rahul Bangalore Satish
- Theoretical Computer Science - PhD studerende
- Center for Information Security and Trust - PhD studerende
Person: VIP
Carsten Schürmann
- Theoretical Computer Science - Professor
- Center for Information Security and Trust - Centerleder
Person: VIP