- 20 resultater
Steffen Dalsgaard
- Technologies in Practice - Professor
- Technologies in Practice
- Center for Climate IT - Centerleder
- Center for Information Security and Trust
Person: VIP, TAP
Katja Sara Pape de Neergaard
Person: VIP
Rachel Douglas-Jones
- Technologies in Practice - Professor
- Technologies in Practice - Forskningsgruppeleder
Person: VIP
Pedro Ferreira
Person: VIP
Felipe Silva Figueiredo
Person: VIP
Vasilis Galis
- Technologies in Practice - Professor
- Technologies in Practice
- Center for Digital Velfærd
- Kandidat i Digital Innovation and Management - Linjeleder
Person: VIP
James Maguire
Person: VIP, TAP
Tobias Pedersen
- Technologies in Practice - PhD studerende
- Technologies in Practice - PhD studerende
Person: VIP
Mylène Tanferri
- Technologies in Practice - Postdoc
- Technologies in Practice - Postdoc
- Center for Climate IT
Person: VIP