Software Engineering

Konferencebidrag i proceedings


  • 2020

    Exploring the evolution of software practices

    Dittrich, Y., Michelsen, C. B., Tell, P., Lous, P. & Ebdrup, A., 2020, ESEC/FSE '20: 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Virtual Event, USA, November 8-13, 2020. Devanbu, P., Cohen, M. B. & Zimmermann, T. (red.). Association for Computing Machinery, s. 493-504 12 s.

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  • How Do FOSS Communities Decide to Accept Pull Requests?

    Alami, A., Cohn, M. & Wasowski, A., 15 apr. 2020, EASE '20: Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 220-229 10 s.

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  • SoK: Three Facets of Privacy Policies

    Morel, V. & Jimenez, R. P., nov. 2020, WPES'20: Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 41-56 16 s. (Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society 2020).

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  • Technical Debt Management: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda for Digital Government

    Nielsen, M. E., Østergaard Madsen, C. & Lungu, M., 1 sep. 2020, Electronic Government. EGOV 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Bind 12219. s. 121-137 (LCNS International Conference on Electronic Government , Bind 12219).

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  • Unleashing the Potentials of Immersive Augmented Reality for Software Engineering

    Merino, L., Lungu, M. & Seidl, C., feb. 2020, Proceedings of The 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). IEEE

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  • What constitutes Software? An Empirical, Descriptive Study of Artifacts

    Pfeiffer, H., 2020, Proceedings of the 17th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. IEEE

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  • 2019

    Affiliated Participation in Open Source Communities

    Alami, A. & Wasowski, A., 19 sep. 2019, The 13th edition of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) . IEEE, 12 s.

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  • API Fluency

    Robbes, R., Lungu, M. & Janes, A., 2019, Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: ICSE-NIER 2019. IEEE Press, s. 97-100

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  • Catching up with Method and Process Practice: An Industry-Informed Baseline for Researchers

    Klünder, J., Hebig, R., Tell, P., Kuhrmann, M., Nakatumba-Nabende, J., Heldal, R., Krusche, S., Fazal-Baqaie, M., Felderer, M., Bocco, M. F. G., Küpper, S., Licorish, S. A., Lopez, G., McCaffery, F., Top, Ö. Ö., Prause, C. R., Prikladnicki, R., Tüzün, E., Pfahl, D. & Schneider, K. & 1 flere, MacDonell, S. G., 1 maj 2019, 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP). IEEE, s. 255-264 10 s.

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  • Consent Verification Under Evolving Privacy Policies

    Robol, M., D. Breaux, T., Paja, E. & Giorgini, P., 23 sep. 2019, Proceedings of the IEEE 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'19). Conf. Location: Jeju Island, Korea (South): IEEE, s. 422-427 6 s.

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  • Designing Personalized Learning Environments throughMonitoring and Guiding User Interactions with Code andNatural Language

    Lungu, M., 2019, Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Education through Advanced Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 5-8

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  • Detecting Floating-Point Errors via Atomic Conditions

    Zou, D., Zou, M., Xiong, Y., Fu, Z., Zhang, L. & Su, Z., 2019, 47th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2020). Association for Computing Machinery, 60

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  • Effective Floating-Point Analysis via Weak-Distance Minimization

    Fu, Z. & Su, Z., 2019, Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 439--452 14 s.

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  • Identifying Redundancies in Fork-based Development

    Ren, L., Zhou, S., Kästner, C. & Wasowski, A., 2019, The 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis Evolution and Reengineering, Hangzhou, China, Februrary 24-27, 2019. IEEE Press

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  • Intention-based integration of software variants

    Lillack, M., Stanciulescu, S., Hedman, W., Berger, T. & Wasowski, A., 2019, Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 25-31, 2019. IEEE, s. 831-842 (Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 25-31, 2019).

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  • Model Transformation Languages under a Magnifying Glass: A Controlled Experiment with Xtend, ATL, and QVT

    Hebig, R., Seidl, C., Berger, T., Kook Pedersen, J. & Wasowski, A., 2019, Software Engineering and Software Management, SE/SWM 2019, Stuttgart, Germany, February 18-22, 2019. Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI), s. 91-92 (Lecture Notes in Informatics).

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  • Variability Abstraction and Refinement for Game-Based Lifted Model Checking of Full CTL

    Dimovski, A., Legay, A. & Wasowski, A., 2019, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering. FASE 2019. Springer, s. 192-209 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 11424).

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  • Walking Through the Method Zoo: Does Higher Education Really Meet Software Industry Demands?

    Kuhrmann, M., Nakatumba-Nabende, J., Pfeiffer, H. R., Tell, P., Klünder, J., Conte, T., MacDonell, S. G. & Hebig, R., 1 maj 2019, 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSE-SEET). IEEE, s. 1-11 11 s.

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  • What are Hybrid Development Methods Made Of? An Evidence-Based Characterization

    Tell, P., Klünder, J., Küpper, S., Raffo, D., MacDonell, S. G., Münch, J., Pfahl, D., Linssen, O. & Kuhrmann, M., 1 maj 2019, 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP). IEEE, s. 105-114 10 s.

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  • Why Does Code Review Work for Open Source Software Communities?

    Alami, A., Cohn, M. & Wasowski, A., 25 maj 2019, 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). IEEE

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  • 2018

    3rd Workshop on Hybrid Development Approaches in Software System Development

    Tell, P., MacDonell, S. & Licorish, S. A., 2018, International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement - PROFES 2018. Springer, s. 433-440 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 11271).

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  • Adapting Lightweight User-centered Design with the Scrum-based Development Process

    Teka, D., Dittrich, Y. & Kifle, M., 2018, Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Software Engineering in Africa - SEiA '18. New York, New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 35-42 8 s. (SEiA '18).

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  • An empirical investigation of transferring research to software technology innovation: a case of data-driven national security software

    Zahedi, M., Babar, M. A. & Cooper, B., 2018, 12th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM): ESEM '18. Association for Computing Machinery, 10

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  • An Empirical Study of Security Issues Posted in Open Source Projects

    Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M. & Treude, C., 2018, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, Manoa , s. 5504-5513 10 s.

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  • Data Work in a Knowledge-Broker Organization: How Cross-Organizational Data Maintenance shapes Human Data Interactions.

    Seidelin, C., Dittrich, Y. & Grönvall, E., 2 jul. 2018, British Human Computer Interaction Conference 2018. Belfast, Northern Ireland: BCS Learning and Development Ltd, s. 1-12 12 s.

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  • From Scrum to Agile: A Journey to Tackle the Challenges of Distributed Development in an Agile Team

    Lous, P., Tell, P., Michelsen, C. B., Dittrich, Y. & Ebdrup, A., 2018, Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Software and System Process. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 11-20 10 s. (ICSSP '18).

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  • Going Beyond Obscurity: Organizational Approaches to Data Anonymization

    Hargitai, V., Shklovski, I. & Wasowski, A., 2018, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW. Association for Computing Machinery, Bind 2. (Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW).

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  • Identifying Features in Forks

    Zhou, S., Stanciulescu, S., Lessnich, O., Xiong, Y., Wasowski, A. & Kästner, C., 2018, Proceedings of the 40th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2018), Gothenburg, Sweden. IEEE, 12 s.

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  • Influencers of Quality Assurance in an Open Source Community

    Alami, A., Dittrich, Y. & Wasowski, A., 27 maj 2018, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE '18). Association for Computing Machinery, s. 61-68 8 s. ICSE-WS-CHASE-22

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  • Model transformation languages under a magnifying glass: a controlled experiment with Xtend, ATL, and QVT

    Hebig, R., Berger, T., Seidl, C., Kook Pedersen, J. & Wasowski, A., 2018, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2018, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA, November 04-09, 2018. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 445-455 11 s.

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  • Participatory Design and Sustainability: a literature review of PDC Proceedings

    Poderi, G. & Dittrich, Y., 2018, Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers, Situated Actions, Workshops and Tutorial - Volume 2. Association for Computing Machinery, 2. (Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference).

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  • Researching Cooperation and Communication in Continuous Software Engineering

    Dittrich, Y., Nørbjerg, J., Tell, P. & Bendix, L., 2018, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE '18). Association for Computing Machinery, s. 87-90 4 s.

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  • Verification of high-level transformations with inductive refinement types

    Al-Sibahi, A. S., Jensen, T. P., Dimovski, A. & Wasowski, A., 2018, Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences, {GPCE} 2018, Boston, MA, USA, November 5-6, 2018. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 147-160 14 s.

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  • Virtual by Design: How a Work Environment Can Support Agile Distributed Software Development

    Lous, P., Tell, P., Michelsen, C. B., Dittrich, Y., Kuhrmann, M. & Ebdrup, A., 2018, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE '18). New Yorck, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 102-111 10 s. (ICGSE '18).

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  • 2017

    Adopting Continuous Delivery and Deployment: Impacts on Team Structures, Collaboration and Responsibilities

    Shahin, M., Zahedi, M., Babar, M. A. & Zhu, L., 2017, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering: EASE'17. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 384-393 10 s.

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  • Beyond Continuous Delivery: An Empirical Investigation of Continuous Deployment Challenges

    Shahin, M., Ali Babar, M., Zahedi, M. & Zhu, L., 2017, 2017 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM). IEEE, s. 111-120 10 s.

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  • Contextualizing user centered design with agile methods in Ethiopia

    Teka, D., Dittrich, Y. & Kifle, M., 1 sep. 2017, IEEE Africon 2017 Proceedings. IEEE, s. 911-916 6 s.

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  • Developing e-banking services for rural India: making use of socio-technical prototypes

    Dittrich, Y., Vaidyanathan, L., Gonsalves, T. A. & Jhunjhunwala, A., 2017, 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C) . IEEE, s. 204-206 3 s.

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  • Effective Bug Finding in C Programs with Shape and Effect Abstractions

    Abal, I., Brabrand, C. & Wasowski, A., 2017, Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 18th International Conference, VMCAI 2017, Paris, France, January 15–17, 2017, Proceedings. Springer, s. 34-54 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10145).

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  • HELENA Stage 2—Danish Overview

    Tell, P., Pfeiffer, R.-H. & Pagh Schultz, U., 2017, International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement - PROFES 2017: HELENA – 2nd Workshop on Hybrid Software and System Development Approaches. Springer, s. 420 427 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10611).

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  • Hybrid Software and System Development in Practice: Waterfall, Scrum, and Beyond

    Kuhrmann, M., Diebold, P., Münch, J., Tell, P., Garousi, V., Felderer, M., Trektere, K., McCaffery, F., Linssen, O., Hanser, E. & Prause, C., 2017, Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Software and System Process: ICSSP 2017. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 30-39 10 s.

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  • Integrating discount usability in scrum development process in Ethiopia

    Teka, D., Dittrich, Y. & Kifle, M., 1 okt. 2017, 2017 International Conference on Computing Networking and Informatics (ICCNI). IEEE, s. 1-8 8 s.

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  • Is Scrum fit for global software engineering?

    Lous, P., Kuhrmann, M. & Tell, P., 2017, Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), 2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on. IEEE

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  • Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline

    Ullah, F., Raft, A. J., Shahin, M., Zahedi, M. & Babar, M. A., 2017, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering. SCITEPRESS Digital Library, s. 57-68 10 s.

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  • Usability Evaluation in Ethiopian Software Organizations

    Teka, D., Dittrich, Y., Kifle, M., Ardito, C. & Lanzilotti, R., 2017, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Africa Development, ICT4AD’17. s. 103-119 17 s.

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  • Variability-Specific Abstraction Refinement for Family-Based Model Checking

    Dimovski, A. & Wasowski, A., 23 mar. 2017, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - 20th International Conference, FASE 2017, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2017: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2017. Huisman, M. & Rubin, J. (red.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, s. 406-423 17 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10202).

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  • Variability through the Eyes of the Programmer

    Melo, J., Batista Narcizo, F., Hansen, D. W., Brabrand, C. & Wasowski, A., 1 maj 2017, 2017 IEEE/ACM 25th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC). IEEE, s. 34-44 11 s.

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  • 2016

    An Empirical Evaluation of an Activity-Based Infrastructure for Supporting Cooperation in Software Engineering

    Tell, P. & Babar, M. A., aug. 2016, Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), 2016 IEEE 11th International Conference on. IEEE, s. 34-43 10 s.

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  • A Process Framework for Designing Software Reference Architectures for Providing Tools as a Service

    Chauhan, M. A., Babar, M. A. & Probst, C. W., 6 nov. 2016, 17th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement. Springer Publishing Company, s. 111-126 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 10027).

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  • Beyond the Spreadsheet: Reflections on Tool Support for Literature Studies

    Tell, P., Cholewa, J. B., Nellemann, P. & Kuhrmann, M., 1 jun. 2016, EASE '16 Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. Association for Computing Machinery, 22

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