- 150 - 200 ud af 259 resultater
Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg
- Theoretical Computer Science - Lektor
- Programming Logic and Semantics - Forskningsgruppeleder
Person: VIP
Hanne Westh Nicolajsen
- Digitalization, Democracy, and Governance - Lektor
- Bachelor i Global Business Informatics - Linjeleder
Person: VIP
Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen
- Software Engineering - PhD studerende
- Center for Computing Education Research
Person: VIP
Rune Kristian Lundedal Nielsen
- Play, Culture, and AI - Lektor
- Games Research Group
- Center for Digital Play - Centerleder
- Game Lab - Akademisk ansvarlig
Person: VIP
Christina Frederikke Nissen
Person: VIP
Raquel Andrade Barros Ouriques
- Software Engineering - Postdoc
- Danish Institute for IT Program Management - Postdoc
Person: VIP
Nikolaj Krebs Pedersen
Person: VIP
Tobias Pedersen
- Technologies in Practice - PhD studerende
- Technologies in Practice - PhD studerende
Person: VIP
Juri Petersen
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - PhD studerende
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications
Person: VIP
Sebastian Risi
- Play, Culture, and AI - Professor
- Creative AI Lab - Forskningsgruppeleder
- Machine Learning
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab
- Robotics, Evolution and Art Lab
Person: VIP
Luca Rossi
- Data Science - Sektionsleder
- Human-Centered Data Science - Forskningsgruppeleder
- NEtwoRks, Data, and Society
- Human Data Interaction Lab
Person: VIP
Camille Rønn
Person: VIP
Rahul Bangalore Satish
- Theoretical Computer Science - PhD studerende
- Center for Information Security and Trust - PhD studerende
Person: VIP
Jens Schmidt
- Software Engineering - Chief Consultant
- Danish Institute for IT Program Management
- Forskningscenter for Offentlig IT - Centerleder
Person: VIP
Katharina Anastasia Iniakhina Schmidt
- Human-Computer Interaction and Design - Lab Assistant
- IxD Lab
Person: TAP