Data, Systems, and Robotics

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  • 2015

    Flora Robotica – Mixed Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids

    Hamann, H., Wahby, M., Schmickl, T., Zahadat, P., Hofstadler, D., Støy, K., Risi, S., Faina, A., Veenstra, F., Kernbach, S., Kuksin, I., Kernbach, O., Ayers, P. & Wojtaszek, P., 2015, Computational Intelligence, 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on. IEEE, s. 1102-1109 8 s.

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  • Hybrid Patient Record – Supporting Hybrid Interaction in Clinical Wards

    Houben, S., Schmidt, M., Frost, M. & Bardram, J., 2015, Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2015 9th International Conference on. IEEE Signal Processing Society, s. 270-271 2 s.

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  • Interactive evolution of levels for a competitive multiplayer FPS

    Olsted, P. T., Ma, B. & Risi, S., 1 maj 2015, Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2015 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, s. 1527-1534 8 s.

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  • Interactively Evolving Compositional Sound Synthesis Networks

    Jónsson, B. Þ., Hoover, A. K. & Risi, S., 2015, Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation: GECCO '15. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 321-328 8 s.

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  • Investigating MCTS Modifications in General Video Game Playing

    Frydenberg, F., Andersen, K., Risi, S. & Togelius, J., 2015, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. IEEE Computer Society Press, s. 107-113

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  • Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Simulated Car Racing

    Fischer, J., Falsted, N., Vielwerth, M., Togelius, J. & Risi, S., 2015, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2015), June 22-25, 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. Association for Computing Machinery, 5 s.

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  • Morphologically intelligent underactuated robot for underwater hull cleaning

    Souto, D., Faina, A., López-Peña, F. & Duro, R., 2015, Proceedings of the IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS), 2015 . IEEE Press, Bind 2. s. 879 - 886

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  • Novelty-driven Particle Swarm Optimization

    Galvao, D., Lehman, J. A. & Urbano, P., 2015, Artificial Evolution: 12th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2015, Lyon, France, October 26-28, 2015. Revised Selected Papers. Springer, s. 177-190 14 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 9554).

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  • SMUG: Scientific Music Generator

    Scirea, M., A B Barros, G., Togelius, J. & Shaker, N., jun. 2015, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity June 2015. Utah State University Press, s. 204-211

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  • Soft-Body Muscles for Evolved Virtual Creatures: The Next Step on a Bio-Mimetic Path to Meaningful Morphological Complexity

    Lessin, D. & Risi, S., 2015, Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL) 2015. MIT Press, s. 604–611

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  • Toward Real-time Multi-criteria Decision Making for Bus Service Reliability Optimisation

    Tran, V. T., Eklund, P. & Cook, C., 2015, Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 22nd International Symposium, ISMIS 2015, Lyon, France, October 21-23, 2015, Proceedings. LNCS udg. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, Bind 9384. s. 371-378 8 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 9384).

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  • 2014

    Adapting Morphology to Multiple Tasks in Evolved Virtual Creatures

    Lessin, D., Fussell, D. & Miikkulainen, R., 2014, Proceedings of The Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE 14) 2014. MIT Press, s. 247-254

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  • Automatically Categorizing Procedurally Generated Content for Collecting Games

    Risi, S., Lehman, J., D’Ambrosio, D. B. & Stanley, K. O., 2014, FDG 2014 Workshop Proceedings: Proceedings of Workshops Colocated with the 9th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery, (Proceedings of the Workshop on Procedural Content Generation in Games (PCG) at the 9th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG-2014). ACM, New York, NY, USA).

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  • Evaluating Musical Foreshadowing of Videogame Narrative Experiences

    Scirea, M., Cheong, Y.-G., Nelson, M. & Bae, B. C., 2014, Proceedings of the 9th Audio Mostly: A Conference on Interaction With Sound: AM '14. Association for Computing Machinery, 8 s.

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  • Guided Self-organization in Indirectly Encoded and Evolving Topographic Maps

    Risi, S. & Stanley, K. O., 2014, Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 713-720 8 s.

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  • Learning Diagnostic Diagrams in Transport-Based Data-Collection Systems

    Tran, V. T., Eklund, P. & Cook, C., 2014, Foundations of Intelligent Systems - 21st International Symposium, ISMIS 2014, Roskilde, Denmark, June 25-27, 2014. Proceedings. Springer, Bind 8502. s. 560-566 7 s. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bind 8502).

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  • Mood Expression in Real-Time Computer Generated Music using Pure Data

    Scirea, M., Nelson, M., Cheong, Y.-G. & Bae, B. C., aug. 2014, Proceedings of the ICMPC-APSCOM 2014 Joint Conference. College of Music, Yonsei University, s. 263-267 5 s.

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  • Trading Control Intelligence for Physical Intelligence: Muscle Drives in Evolved Virtual Creatures

    Lessin, D., Fussell, D. & Miikkulainen, R., 12 jul. 2014, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2014: GECCO '14. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery, s. 705-712

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  • Using Formal Concept Analysis to Create Pathways through Museum Collections

    Wray, T. & Eklund, P., 2014, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop "What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence"? (FCA4AI 2014). Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany, s. 9-16 8 s.

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  • 2013

    A Compiler for CPPNs: Transforming Phenotypic Descriptions Into Genotypic Representations

    Risi, S., 2013, 2013 AAAI Fall Symposium Series - How Should Intelligence be Abstracted in AI Research.. 7 s.

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  • Open-Ended Behavioral Complexity for Evolved Virtual Creatures

    Lessin, D., Fussell, D. & Miikkulainen, R., 2013, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2013: GECCO '13. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 335-342

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  • Ribosomal robots: Evolved designs inspired by protein folding

    Risi, S., Cellucci, D. & Lipson, H., 2013, Proceeding of the fifteenth annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference: GECCO '13. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 263-270 8 s.

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  • Single-unit pattern generators for quadruped locomotion

    Morse, G., Risi, S., Snyder, C. R. & Stanley, K. O., 6 jul. 2013, Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation : GECCO '13. Association for Computing Machinery, s. 719-726 8 s.

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  • 2012

    On the Benefits of Divergent Search for Evolved Representations

    Lehman, J., Risi, S. & Stanley, K. O., 2012, Proceedings of the EvoNet2012 Workshop at the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE XIII). 4 s. (Proceedings of the EvoNet 2012 Workshop at ALIFE XIII ).

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