Projekter pr. år
- 1 - 25 ud af 36 resultater
Derczynski, L. (PI)
Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA)
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
AIPrevalence: Quantifying the Prevalence and Diffusion of Generative AI in Science
Sinatra, R. (PI)
01/09/2024 → 31/08/2026
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
PlagAIrism: Getting generative AI to provide references to its training data
Rogers, A. (PI)
01/05/2024 → 30/06/2029
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Reducing hallucinations in Medical QA
Rogers, A. (PI)
01/09/2024 → 31/08/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
AInterviewer: A framework for using Generative AI to collect large-scale qualitative interview data
Rogers, A. (PI)
01/11/2024 → 31/10/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
IT-rejsestipendier til ph.d.- studerende
Larsen, A. W. (PI)
01/01/2025 → 30/06/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
HAND: Identifying Universal Communal Hand Gestures for Virtual and Hybrid Meeting Interaction
Munzlinger, E. (PI), Batista Narcizo, F. (PI) & Hansen, D. W. (CoI)
01/10/2023 → 30/09/2026
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
GOOGLELOWNLP: Probing sound for better low-resource NLP
Hardmeier, C. (CoI), Schluter, N. (PI), Sasu, D. (CoI) & Ulmer, D. T. (CoI)
01/01/2020 → 14/08/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Andet
Samfinansieret PhD'er med KU - AI Pioneer Center
Sestoft, P. (PI), Larsen, A. W. (CoI) & Iarygina, O. (CoI)
01/10/2022 → 30/09/2026
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Exhibition Designer
Løvlie, A. S. (PI), Ibsen, P. (Admin), Oppermann, N. (Admin), Vanggaard, F. (CoI) & Møller, J. (CoI)
01/03/2024 → 28/02/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Pushing Algorithmic Fairness with Models and Experiments
Sinatra, R. (PI), Sousa, S. (CoI) & Alsbirk, L. B. (CoI)
22/01/2021 → 21/01/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
REPROGRAM: Directing Morphogenetic Patterning in Biological and Artificial Systems through Spatial Re-Programming
Risi, S. (PI)
01/09/2024 → 31/12/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Szell, M. (PI) & Sebastiao, C. (CoI)
01/01/2024 → 30/06/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
COCOONS: COllective COordination through ONline Social media
Aiello, L. M. (PI), Møller, A. G. (CoI), Pera, A. (CoI), Moutidis, I. (CoI) & Galdeman, A. (Samarbejdspartner)
01/01/2023 → 31/12/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
DIREC: Digital Research Centre Denmark
Godskesen, J. C. (PI), Barkhuus, L. (PI), Bonnet, P. (PI), Brabrand, C. (PI), Schürmann, C. (PI), Sekara, V. (PI), David, B. M. (PI), Husfeldt, T. (PI), Curticapean, R.-C. (PI), Limaye, N. (PI), Aumüller, M. (PI), Jacob, R. (PI), Risi, S. (PI), Wasowski, A. (PI), Birch Okkels, C. (CoI), Berthelsen, K. H. (CoI), Larsen, M. K. (CoI), Schmidt, M. D. (CoI) & Ghaffari, M. (CoI)
01/10/2020 → 30/09/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
MOZART: Morphing Computerized mats with Embodied Sensing and Artificial Intelligence
Støy, K. (PI), Zahadat, P. (CoI), Faina, A. (CoI), Garcia, R. M. (CoI), Dacre, B. (CoI), Bessone, N. H. (CoI), Ingle, P. S. (CoI) & Walker, K. E. (CoI)
01/10/2022 → 30/09/2026
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
C2SIM: Application of AI solutions in command-and-control systems
Risi, S. (PI), Winther Pedersen, J. (CoI), Anne, T. F. N. (CoI) & Brunken Syrkis, N. (CoI)
The Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS)
01/10/2023 → 31/03/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
FAIRMATCH: Multi-Stakeholder Fairness in Job Recommendation
Bogers, T. (PI)
01/04/2024 → 31/03/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
AI-TESTER: Improving Automated Video Game Testing via Machine Learning
Risi, S. (PI)
01/09/2024 → 15/09/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
NADanBI: Network analysis of the Danish bicycle infrastructure
Szell, M. (PI) & Vierø, A. R. (CoI)
01/01/2022 → 31/03/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
A Unified Statistical Framework for Complex Forensic DNA Evidence
Graversen, T. (PI) & Budrikas, K. (CoI)
01/03/2022 → 28/02/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
PeachAI: Personality and Emotion-Aware Computing for Human-Centered AI
Bassignana, E. (PI)
01/06/2024 → 31/05/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Eyes4ICU: Eyes for Information, Communication, and Understanding
Hansen, D. W. (PI) & Kovacs, D.-L. (CoI)
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2026
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning