Artifact for Symbolic Semantics for Probabilistic Programs

  • Erik Voogd (Ophavsmand)
  • Einar Broch Johnsen (Ophavsmand)
  • Alexandra Silva (Ophavsmand)
  • Zachary J. Susag (Ophavsmand)
  • Andrzej Wasowski (Ophavsmand)

Data set


This is the primary artifact, named symProb, for "Symbolic Semantics for Probabilistic Programs", to appear at The International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) 2023. "symprob.tar" is a compressed Docker image. Instructions for how to use the Docker image and to replicate the experiments from the paper can be found in "". Source code for symProb can be found in the /home/symProb/symProb/src directory within the Docker image. Source code for all experiments is located in /home/symProb/qest23.
Dato for tilgængelighed12 jul. 2023
