MedieKultur (Tidsskrift)

  • Nanna Holdgaard (Redaktør)

    Aktivitet: Udgivelse af peer-review og redaktionelt arbejde - typerRedaktør af tidsskriftForskning


    MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research

    MedieKultur is a double-blind peer reviewed journal published by SMID (Association of media researchers in Denmark). The aim of MedieKultur is to contribute to critical reflection and the development of theories and methods within media and communication research. MedieKultur publishes works of relevance to the community of researchers in Denmark exploring media and communication in political, economic, cultural, historic, aesthetic and social contexts. MedieKultur does not represent particular theories or methods, but rather focuses on innovative perspectives and clear argumentation. MedieKultur publishes theme issues with the aim of bringing Danish and international media and communication research into dialogue. Accordingly, MedieKultur is a publication forum for Danish and international researchers, and papers as well as reviews of relevant contributions (books, blogs, websites and the like) can be submitted written in English, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian. The journal addresses students, educators and researchers at relevant educational and research institutions as well as individuals working in the media business.
    Periodeapr. 2016 → …
    Type af tidsskriftTidsskrift